Thursday, April 14, 2016

Lighthouse's 2016 "Life Update"


Three years ago today, I embarked on a journey.  I started my Appalachian Trail thru hike with absolutely zero backpacking experience.  I distinctly remember the lump in my throat while driving all the way to the starting point.  Whenever my brain went to that zone where all my fears popped up, I just thought in my head "You're nervous, but this is no big deal." 

A couple hours later, I was on my way to a 5 month long journey that would definitely be the most life-changing event I have ever experienced.  Once I finished the trail, I came back a different human being.  One who followed that flame of curiosity that was on his brain.  A person who was able to achieve something that 99.9 % of the population hasn't done.

Then, I had to go back to the "real world".

In my last blog post, I'd promised that I would update how my transition was back into the "real world" was.  Well, this post is a little late, but HERE'S MY UPDATE!

I decided to make a video because its way more easy for me to go "off the dome" then sit here and write sentences on a computer.  And I know all the HARDCORE FANS will watch my video!! (All ten of you)  I talk about how it was coming off the trail, what has happened in the past 3 years, and what I'm planning on doing. 

Here it is!

So yep, that's my life right now.  One thing that I forgot to mention that I feel like is a big part of my "psychy" now is that I accept that life just doesn't make sense.  Period. 

A lot of the times it doesn't make sense in a negative way.  "I had my sister die of cancer...why?"  "Why am I never good enough at anything to be considered great...why?"  "This girl just broke my heart...why?"  Why are the cards always stacked against me!?  WHY!?  And when you are thinking about that and living through it, that stage of life it sucks.

But, at certain times, I have found that life won't make sense, but can be fucking incredible at the same time.  The Appalchian Trail was a perfect example.  I couldn't believe that walking the AT was what I was doing every day of my life.  This just showed me that when you follow whats in your heart, you can achieve these moments of bliss.

At least, that's what my motto is in my current mood.  I'm feeling pretty damn positive about life.  Spring will do that to me.  Let's see if I can keep this ball rolling, keep on doing what I'm doing, and hopefully when I'm old and gray I can tell myself "I can't believe I did so much awesome shit".

That's it for me.

Cya later alligator,

Joey (Lighthouse)

1 comment:

  1. Cool man, enjoyed the video! You hit the nail on the head here.... it's so strange thinking back on the times spent on the A.T.
